We offer a thriving Creative and Performing Arts programme at Framlingham College. At the heart of this is the development of creativity in our pupils – creative expression, creative thinking, problem solving, cognitive flexibility – all inherently human skills in an increasingly digital world.
There is also the opportunity, beginning in the Prep school and culminating in the Senior school, for pupils to gain their ‘Arts Award’, an achievement which celebrates individual creative development in young people. All pupils at the Prep school will be engaged in the Discover (Pre-Prep), Explore and Bronze awards, building up to Silver and Gold in the Senior school.
With the Directors of Music and Drama being the Heads of both the Prep and the Senior School, as a College we have the advantage of a seamless curriculum and transition from one school to the other, allowing talent and enthusiasm to be uncovered and to be appropriately nurtured and developed.
Across the different areas of Co-Curricular life, we provide a range of opportunities specific to the needs of our Years 7 & 8 pupils. In Drama, our showcase performance is the Senior Production; often a musical, the show is selected to challenge and stretch the pupils’ abilities. In support of the drama roles, we also have a Show Band in which Years 7 & 8 are invited to perform, alongside professionals, to provide the music. The music department also runs ensembles and choirs that investigate more demanding pieces. These then headline our Spring and Summer Concerts.