We have worked within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to create our unique ‘learning tree’ model for children’s development.

The branches of this model are as follows:


The Create branch encompasses all types of creative expression, including art, drama role play, music, and dance. It’s important that children are in an environment where they feel comfortable expressing themselves in a safe space.


The Imagine branch is about storytelling – listening to stories as well as reading and sharing stories. Our staff aim to read up to five stories per day to the Nursery children as this is the foundation of understanding and developing their language skills.

Explore and Discover

The Explore and Discover branch is linked to Mathematics, Science and the natural world in particular, which is increasingly important for us all to understand as we grow. We are very lucky here to be surrounded by greenery and all the wonderful nature which we can go and explore and learn about first-hand on a regular basis. But it’s also important to develop the children’s maths. We usually find that children under four love maths. They don’t worry about it in the same way adults do. Really young children see maths as a social thing they love all the counting rhymes and opportunities to count and classify objects.


The Move branch involves all of our physical activity including learning to run and climb safely. We do these activities every day, encouraging play in the secure garden next to the Nursery as well as exploring the woodland we have here on site. As well as increasing enjoyment of physical activity, the Move element of learning here helps to enhance fine motor skills.


The Communication branch is about speech, understanding and listening. Children are naturally interested in all sorts of things, including their own name, which is where phonics comes in. We aim to ensure that children in our care are able to communicate confidently with their peers and become well-practiced in doing so.

Understanding Ourselves and Others

Similarly, Understanding Ourselves and Others is about ensuring children at the Nursery are confident and compassionate young people. We aim to help children understand how we get along with one another. It’s important to understand how children understand each other’s emotions and learn to help others get along too.

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