By: Simon Means – Head of Mathematics, Framlingham College Prep School

Talented young mathematicians from Year 8 and 9 took part in a competitive and intense challenge on Friday involving a mixture of relay races, group work, cross-numbers and brain-stretching investigations. The aim was to seek selection for the Regional Finals but more importantly to have fun!

Our students are a keen and competitive bunch and they gave their all to solving simultaneous equations, seeking palindromic numbers and calculating angles in 3D shapes.They were immersed in mathematical reasoning and language. A key skill to success was communication among the 4-person teams and maximizing each others’ strengths.

The Year 13 referees were impressed by their enthusiasm, persistence and expertise shown. Over the course of the four hours it was wonderful to see new friendships being born through a common interest. The students performed in an exemplary manner and it was a joy to host so many former pupils of the Prep School.

All who took part are winners and who will forget the delight experienced by each team when they completed the cross-number challenge against all expectations or the cheer each time a relay question was marked correct. By the close, even the staff were flagging due to the efforts expended. After an exciting finale where the top three teams were within three points of each other, the winners of this year’s prize were Team 1: Heather Alabaster, James Tennant, Lottie John and Edgar Reader. Team 2 were a mere four points behind. However, congratulations must also go to all who attempted the challenge as they demonstrated impressive resilience and energy throughout.

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