At the beginning of the academic year Framlingham College launched its Wellbeing Ambassador programme, enabling a selected number of Year 11 and 12 pupils to provide mental health and wellbeing support to the school community and improve the overall willingness of pupils to openly discuss mental health and personal wellbeing.

You can hear from three of these impressive individuals, Lexy K, Wilf S and Will L all with a real passion for the College’s wellbeing credentials, in a recent interview found here


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This term played host to Mental Health Awareness Week from 9 – 15 May, presenting an opportunity for the Wellbeing Ambassadors to host a collection of events that would encourage pupils and staff to take time to check in on their mental health.

From a day that focused on highlighting the benefits to both pupils, staff and parents of accessing the online resource Teen Tips (free to use by College community members – if you are a parent yet to access teen tips you can do so by registering via this link), a Tech Free Tuesday that witnessed all pupils spend a day without their mobile devices to assess how this influenced their social behaviours and mood, to a selection of feel good activities such as dedicated yoga, dancing and a well-known spirit raiser singing in Chapel, the ambassadors certainly championed the aims of the week with great results.


There are high hopes and aspirations for the continued progress and future impact of the Wellbeing Ambassadors.  Next year’s cohort will be selected during the Autumn Term with a vision to continue the progress made to date and ensure the College is recognised as a hub for meaningful mental health and wellbeing support.

Where Next?