Saturday 17th March marked the date of the annual Sixth Form Dinner. The evening is open to all Sixth form students and various members of staff. The event is a great spectacle as everyone thrived from being able to dress up in their finest for this occasion. This year saw the biggest turnout yet with 150 people attending.
The eagerly anticipated theme this year was a Masquerade Ball. Once the theme had been decided, the entertainments committee went about organising appropriate decorations to fit the theme. Overall, the Dining Hall looked magnificent, with each table being beautifully decorated, and covered excessively with glitter.
The evening started with pre-dinner cocktails in Paul’s court at around 7:00. Mr M Taylor was kept busy taking photographs of all the guests, and then everyone entered the dining hall for supper. After our three-course meal which included steak and chocolate brownie, the evening continued with the Loyal Toast, short speeches and awards.
Following this everyone danced the night away in the Café. The evening was indeed a memorable one and found to be most enjoyable to all who attended. It is clear that thanks to the hard work of the Entertainments Committee, the 2018 Sixth form dinner sets high standards for following years. A massive thank you to everyone that was involved in creating such a spectacular evening.
More photos will appear on flickr in due course.