The world as we know it at the Prep School was turned into the world of Mr Men and Little Miss for our World Book Day celebrations this year. As well as the traditional fantastic dressing up – Little Miss Princess and Perfect, Mr Bump and Mr Sneeze we also had some creativity with Little Miss Selfie, Mr Back to Front and Mr Trump even turned up, with orange tan and blond quiff!

Donations were made in support of BookAid International with more than £245 being raised. Over 100 characters were hidden all around the school and grounds for pupils to find and the Maths department set up coordinates sheets to practise Maths skills.

A fantastic Mr Happy cake was made by Kim Last in the kitchen to cheer the staff along and a writers’ competition resulted in wins for Ella Ogilvie and Toby Long – with runners- up certificates for Charlie Parry and Teal Stimpson.

Year 2 also created this wonderful poem with each and everyone contributing to this masterpiece adding a description of their character.

World Book Day 2019
Poem of Little Misses and Mr Men
Written By Year 2

My character Little Miss Neat
is clean and tidy all the way to her feet.
My character Mr Liverpool
was too cool for school.
My character Mr Sport
was sort of grumpy so he went to his fort.
My character Mr Man United
plays lots of football and is always excited.
My character Little Miss Princess
is always wearing a pretty dress.
My character Mr Cool
was too late for school.
My character Little Miss Princess
is often happy and never in a stress.
My character Little Miss Sporty
liked to do exercise and had her own horsey.
My character Mr Cool
can sometimes be a little fool.
My character Little Miss Sunshine
always and fine and beautifully divine.
My character Mr Sport
is on the way to the airport.
My character Little Miss Adventures
is outdoors searching for the bones of dinosaurs.
My character Little Miss Princess
loved to eat green watercress.
My character Little Miss Sunshine
walks down the street and thinks she is fine.
My character Mr Ball
will always be found with under his arm a football.
My character is Mr Strong
And his favourite sport is ping pong.
My character Little Miss Sunshine
Has lots of pets including a canine.

Thanks to parents, staff and children alike for their support and keep reading!

All 198 photos from the day can be found on our Flickr account below.

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