Director of Sport, Nick Gandy, has wasted no time in putting measures in place to ensure pupils can stay active while they are not at school. He said: “Research has shown that exercise can lower anxiety and stress levels, improve concentration, increase self-esteem and encourage better sleep patterns, as well as playing a key role in the overall physical and mental development of young people. It is vital for your physical and mental health that you remain as active as possible over the coming weeks.”

The benefits of sports and exercise extend beyond health and wellbeing too, there is also significant evidence to suggest that sports and exercise has a direct link to academic achievement. In March 2019, a report from the University of Cambridge which looked at sport in relation to academic performance found that:

‘Undergraduate students who participated in University-level sport performed just as well academically, if not better, than the undergraduate population as a whole.’

  • The percentage of first-class results achieved by undergraduate sportspeople (28.4%) was greater than the percentage achieved by undergraduates in the University as a whole (23.7%);
  • The percentage of upper second-class results achieved by undergraduate sportspeople (63%) was greater than the percentage achieved by undergraduates in the University as a whole (51.8%);
  • The percentage of lower second- and third-class results achieved by undergraduate sportspeople was lower than undergraduates in the University as a whole.

The report concluded that: “Sport & physical activity can provide an effective release from academic studies, improve mental health and give students the opportunity to develop valuable social and support networks. It can also help students to develop valuable transferable skills such as time-management, focus, the ability to perform under pressure, leadership and communication.”

To facilitate and support Framlingham College pupils to be active, Mr Gandy has created new accounts for year groups on the activity tracking app, Strava. Students from across the school have been invited to post their activity on Strava, linked to their year group account, and prizes will be given out to the year group which covers the most distance. Sport staff have also encouraged pupils to share their activities with them via Framlingham College Sport social media. Mr Gandy added: “I would suggest that most of our children should be doing about one hour a day. It is important when they are learning remotely that pupils get up between lessons and this might be a good time to have a quick walk or perhaps do some exercises.”

There are also some fantastic initiatives being run at the Prep School too, we look forward to reporting on these next week. In the meantime, do look out for our Prep School sports’ scholars ‘lockdown drills’ videos on our social media.

More From our First Newsletter of 2021:

Principal’s address: Celebrating the underdog and triumph through adversity

Drawing inspiration at this challenging time from FA Cup underdog stories as well as triumph through adversity insight from Dr Noble.

“We will continue to adapt, improvise and we will overcome” – Martin Myers-Allen

Acting Head of the Prep School, Mr Myers-Allen, praises the adaptability of staff members and pupils in finding ways to continue to develop and achieve during this lockdown.

OF George Goodin becomes a star in the international fashion world

Former pupil, George Goodin, has appeared on catwalks across the world, modelling for some of the world’s best-known fashion brands after going on to study Fashion Journalism at university and being spotted at a Rihanna concert.

#TogetherApart House activities carry on virtually despite lockdown

House activities are a principal highlight of student life here at Framlingham College and Houses have wasted no time in adapting to make sure a series of House activities can go ahead remotely.

Inspire! talks return for 2021 with Ed and Lois Jackson’s incredible rehabilitation story

Ed and Lois Jackson will be telling their remarkable tale of triumph over unthinkable adversity via YouTube as part of our Inspire! series of talks.

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