Following a visit in October by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), we are delighted that both the Senior School and Prep School have been judged as ‘Excellent’ in our education provision and care.

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The inspection was comprised of two parts – an inspection of educational quality and a regulatory compliance inspection.

We achieved the highest possible rating on both quality measures – the quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements and the quality of pupils’ personal development. The compliance inspection also confirmed all the national standards were met.

Principal of Framlingham College Louise North said: “To be awarded “Excellent”, the highest grading possible in an ISI Inspection, is an achievement of which we are proud. It is a true reflection of the caring, vibrant and aspirational environment in which our pupils live and learn. We are fulfilling our commitment to nurture and develop each individual. As a result, our pupils are flourishing.”

You can read the executive summaries and the full ISI reports here –…/inspection-reports/

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