The corny joke count reached new heights with this year’s Junior Production.
For the fifth year running we stuck with another tried and tested play by Craig Hawes, ‘Ali Baba and the Bongo Bandits’. For ten weeks the Year 4 and 5 children rehearsed hard each Thursday evening through to production week, when the Year 3 pupils joined in. With the usual heroes and villains, and obligatory Pantomime Camel, the cast numbered 76 and when you add in the show band, back stage and technical crew there were nearly 100 children involved.
The catchy tunes, stunningly bright costumes and myriad of props all added to a phenomenal show. When you consider the average age was 9 years old, the level of talent on show was very high. Individual songs, comic timing and holding an audience are all skills that take courage and confidence and all of these were in abundance during the two performances.
Well done to all involved – you can be very proud of what you have achieved.
All the images can be seen on our Facebook page here.